Jarrett Software Solutions Apps

AllTime 2.2.5
Thanks for your interest in AllTime, thequickest and easiest set of timers and alarms in the Androidmarketplace. Our goal is to make your life a little easier byproviding the easiest and most intuitive methods for creating andactivating alarms and timers. Timer and alarm notifications can becustomized with: sound type (alarm, music, or speech), volume,repeat options (1,5,10,continuous,or until dismissed), repeatinterval in seconds, and vibrate.All timers, alarms, and stopwatches always retain their state,meaning you can start a timer/stopwatch, exit the app and it willstill be active with an accurate value when you restart AllTime.You can even power the device off and the timers retain theirstate. Battery usage does not increase with the number of activetimers, unless you are actively monitoring them via AllTime on thescreen.AllTime has the following main components:Quick Timer - A basic Countdown Timer in hours, minutesand seconds.Event Timer - An Event Timer that expires today, tomorrow,or on a specified date and time. For example, tomorrow at 3:30pm.Stop Watch - A typical stop watch, or countup timer, fortiming a race and marking split times. Results can be shared viaemail or text message.Multi Timers - A list of countdown, countup and eventtimers.Multi Stop Watch - A stop watch for keeping track ofmultiple participants in a race. Results can be shared via email ortext message to participant specific numbers.Sequence Timers - A list of Sequence Timers. Sequence Timersstart and stop in sequential order automatically and sets of timerscan be repeated using repeat loops. For example: A workoutconsisting of a 2 minute warmup and 4 sets of sit-ups, pull-ups,and push-ups, each performed for 30 seconds. This is a single 2minute warmup timer followed by a loop of 3 timers (sit-ups,pull-ups, and push-ups) repeated 4 times.Clock - A digital clock that is also the recipient of allalarm notifications and contains the snooze and dismiss alarmbuttons.Saved Alarms - Create, edit, and remove alarms.Saved Timers - Create, edit, and remove timerdescriptions.Timers can be assigned to user specific groups and then added toMulti Timers when needed.Participants - Create, edit, and remove participants forMulti Stop Watch and Timed Events in Competitions. Participants canhave text message numbers for contacts to be notified of theirresults.Timed Events - Create, edit and remove Timed Events for usein Competitions. These Timed Events are in groups such as Runningand Swimming or any other user created group.Competitions - Create, edit, and remove Competitions.Competitions are composed of Timed Events. Example: The Competitionis "County Track Meet" and the Timed Events are 400 Meters, 800Meters, 1500 Meters and 3000 Meters.Calendar Events - Shows all events from a calendar in aspecific range. These events can then be added to Multi Timers ascountdown timers.All Active - Shows all active timers, alarms andstopwatches.Please note that Multi Stop Watch, Participants,Timed Events, and Competitions are "Demo" mode only.AllTimePlus contains all of these capabilities.Notes about permissions and why...Storage - To export all timers and alarms to the SD card andthen copy the file to another device for import.Send SMS Messages - To share results via text message.Prevent phone from sleeping - To, optionally, set the device tokeep the screen on to monitor timers/stopwatches.Read calendar events and contacts - Calendar events are read andshown as a list of events only. Contacts are read so you can addrecipients for email and text messages. None of this data is savedor sent anywhere. Note: AllTime does not have any internetconnectivity.
AllTime Plus 2.2.5
Thanks for your interest in AllTime, thequickest and easiest set of timers and alarms in the Androidmarketplace. Our goal is to make your life a little easier byproviding the easiest and most intuitive methods for creating andactivating alarms and timers. Timer and alarm notifications can becustomized with: sound type (alarm, music, or speech), volume,repeat options (1,5,10,continuous,or until dismissed), repeatinterval in seconds, and vibrate.All timers, alarms, and stopwatches always retain their state,meaning you can start a timer/stopwatch, exit the app and it willstill be active with an accurate value when you restart AllTime.You can even power the device off and the timers retain theirstate. Battery usage does not increase with the number of activetimers, unless you are actively monitoring them via AllTime on thescreen.AllTime Plus has the following main features:Quick Timer - A basic Countdown Timer in hours, minutesand seconds.Event Timer - An Event Timer that expires today, tomorrow,or on a specified date and time. For example, tomorrow at 3:30pm.Stop Watch - A typical stop watch, or countup timer, fortiming a race and marking split times. Results can be shared viaemail or text message.Multi Timers - A list of countdown, countup and eventtimers.Multi Stop Watch - A stop watch for keeping track ofmultiple participants in a race. Results can be shared via email ortext message to participant specific numbers.Sequence Timers - A list of Sequence Timers. Sequence Timersstart and stop in sequential order automatically and sets of timerscan be repeated using repeat loops. For example: A workoutconsisting of a 2 minute warmup and 4 sets of sit-ups, pull-ups,and push-ups, each performed for 30 seconds. This is a single 2minute warmup timer followed by a loop of 3 timers (sit-ups,pull-ups, and push-ups) repeated 4 times.Clock - A digital clock that is also the recipient of allalarm notifications and contains the snooze and dismiss alarmbuttons.Saved Alarms - Create, edit, and remove alarms.Saved Timers - Create, edit, and remove timerdescriptions.Timers can be assigned to user specific groups and then added toMulti Timers when needed.Participants - Create, edit, and remove participants forMulti Stop Watch and Timed Events in Competitions. Participants canhave text message numbers for contacts to be notified of theirresults.Timed Events - Create, edit and remove Timed Events for usein Competitions. These Timed Events are in groups such as Runningand Swimming or any other user created group.Competitions - Create, edit, and remove Competitions.Competitions are composed of Timed Events. Example: The Competitionis "County Track Meet" and the Timed Events are 400 Meters, 800Meters, 1500 Meters and 3000 Meters.Calendar Events - Shows all events from a calendar in aspecific range. These events can then be added to Multi Timers ascountdown timers.All Active - Shows all active timers, alarms andstopwatches.Notes about permissions and why...Storage - To export all timers and alarms to the SD card andthen copy the file to another device for import.Send SMS Messages - To share results via text message.Prevent phone from sleeping - To, optionally, set the device tokeep the screen on to monitor timers/stopwatches.Read calendar events and contacts - Calendar events are read andshown as a list of events only. Contacts are read so you can addrecipients for email and text messages. None of this data is savedor sent anywhere. Note: AllTime does not have any internetconnectivity.
AllTime Free 2.2.6
Thanks for your interest in AllTime,thequickest and easiest set of timers and alarms in theAndroidmarketplace. Our goal is to make your life a little easierbyproviding the easiest and most intuitive methods for creatingandactivating alarms and timers. Timer and alarm notifications canbecustomized with: sound type (alarm, music, or speech),volume,repeat options (1,5,10,continuous,or until dismissed),repeatinterval in seconds, and vibrate.All timers, alarms, and stopwatches always retain theirstate,meaning you can start a timer/stopwatch, exit the app and itwillstill be active with an accurate value when you restartAllTime.You can even power the device off and the timers retaintheirstate.AllTime has the following main features:Quick Timer - A basic Countdown Timer in hours,minutesand seconds.Event Timer - An Event Timer that expires today, tomorrow,oron a specified date and time. For example, tomorrow at3:30pm.Stop Watch - A typical stop watch, or countup timer,fortiming a race and marking split times. Results can be sharedviaemail or text message.Multi Timers - A list of countdown, countup andeventtimers.Multi Stop Watch - A stop watch for keeping track ofmultipleparticipants in a race. Results can be shared via email ortextmessage to participant specific numbers.Sequence Timers - A list of Sequence Timers. SequenceTimersstart and stop in sequential order automatically and sets oftimerscan be repeated using repeat loops. For example: Aworkoutconsisting of a 2 minute warmup and 4 sets of sit-ups,pull-ups,and push-ups, each performed for 30 seconds. This is asingle 2minute warmup timer followed by a loop of 3 timers(sit-ups,pull-ups, and push-ups) repeated 4 times.Clock - A digital clock that is also the recipient ofallalarm notifications and contains the snooze and dismissalarmbuttons.Saved Alarms - Create, edit, and remove alarms.Saved Timers - Create, edit, and removetimerdescriptions.Timers can be assigned to user specific groups and then addedtoMulti Timers when needed.Participants - Create, edit, and remove participantsforMulti Stop Watch and Timed Events in Competitions. Participantscanhave text message numbers for contacts to be notified oftheirresults.Timed Events - Create, edit and remove Timed Events forusein Competitions. These Timed Events are in groups such asRunningand Swimming or any other user created group.Competitions - Create, edit, and removeCompetitions.Competitions are composed of Timed Events. Example:The Competitionis "County Track Meet" and the Timed Events are 400Meters, 800Meters, 1500 Meters and 3000 Meters.Calendar Events - Shows all events from a calendar inaspecific range. These events can then be added to Multi Timersascountdown timers.All Active - Shows all active timers, alarmsandstopwatches.Notes about permissions and why...Internet - This free version contains ads, which requireinternetaccess. Otherwise, AllTime and AllTime Plus do not requireinternetaccess.Storage - To export all timers and alarms to the SD card andthencopy the file to another device for import.Send SMS Messages - To share results via text message.Prevent phone from sleeping - To, optionally, set the device tokeepthe screen on to monitor timers/stopwatches.Read calendar events and contacts - Calendar events are readandshown as a list of events only. Contacts are read so you canaddrecipients for email and text messages. None of this data issavedor sent anywhere. Note: AllTime does not have anyinternetconnectivity.